About the Tabgha Loaves and Fishes symbol

The Tabgha Loaves and Fishes - Wine Cup. Beautiful Hand painted vibrant colors will bring the promise of miracles and hope to every Ceremony.
The Fish is the symbol of God, Eternity, Christianity, Good Luck and Prosperity.
Featuring a gorgeous rendition of the iconic Tabgha fish mosaic famously discovered at the Church of the Multiplication on the shores of the Galilee, this alluring decorative items are bursting with a vibrant rainbow of colors throughout the piece. Framed with a classic Armenian artwork border, this elegant and dainty work of art will add color and sophistication to your home in a beautiful way. Enchanting and meaningful, give someone you love an exceptional keepsake from the Holy Land that they are sure to love! Armenian Ceramics has a long history in the State of Israel.
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