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Solomon Seal Ring Kabbalah Health Ring for Woman.

Solomon Seal Ring Kabbalah Health Ring for Woman.

Regular price $235.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $235.00 USD
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The Kabbalah Health Solomon Seal. Ring of Solomon.

Seal 9 - The Second Pentacle of Mars - Health Seal 

According to tradition the Seal originated from King Solomon's ring - the wisest of all men. He wore a ring on which were engraved symbols, letters, names of angels, codes and biblical verses.

King Solomon's Seals are here for people to use and they accurately preserve their shape, original and authentic language (Hebrew script) as reported in the bible , so people can connect to an ancient source of knowledge and enjoy the same energy that had changed destinies in ancient times.

Please inform us with note or email the ring's size you need. 

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